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Don't Cry Mommy

NC16 / Korean / Drama / 91 mins

Don't Cry Mommy Movie Poster


Recently divorced, You-lim now lives with her only daughter, Eun-ah. Eun-ah is frequently picked on at school, and one day she is brutally raped by a group of male students. Unable to cope with the trauma she was forced to endure, Eun-ah takes her own life. As all of the boys involved in the rape are still minors, the law is helpless to prosecute them to the fullest extent possible, and they walk away with little more than a slap on the wrist. Filled with frustration and anger, You-lim sets out to make the boys' lives a living hell. As You-lim's animosity and exasperation is transformed into ever more brutal acts of revenge, she is brought closer and closer to the edge of sanity.

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Director: Kim Yong-han
Cast: Yoo Seon, Nam Bo-ra, Yoo Oh-seong, Dong Ho
Release Date:  11, April 2013

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