World Beyond My Mind (2018)

PG13 / German / Drama / 99 min

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Christoph (Nils Hohenhövel) begins his voluntary year of social service in a nursing home, where he takes on the role of personal nurse to the terminally-ill 28-year-old Sven (Samuel Koch). After initial problems, Sven gradually lets Christoph into his microcosm. In a frightening moment, Sven stops pretending to be cold, uncaring and superior – and the two young men become friends. Drawn into this close friendship, Sven reveals his intimate desires to Christoph: he has a sexual fetish involving the feel of plastic garbage bag on his bare skin. As Sven’s health condition gets worse, he decides he will not succumb to his fate without putting up a fight. He tells Christoph his innermost wish.

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