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World War Z

PG13 / English / Action / Drama / Horror / 116 mins


Based on the book of the same title by Max Brooks, World War Z is a post-apocalyptic horror film that tells the story of a UN representative. Brad Pitt plays Gerry Lane, a U.N. employee who scours the world, interviewing survivors of the Zombie apocalypse, referred to as World War Z. The United Nations left out much of his work from the official report, choosing to focus on facts and figures from the war rather than the individual stories. These interviews chart a decade-long war against zombies from the view point of many different people of various nationalities, as well as the changing religious, geo-political, and environmental landscape of the survivors.

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Director: Marc Forster
Cast: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, James Badge Dale, Lucy Aharish
Release Date:  20, June 2013

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