Madame (2017)

M18 / English / Comedy / Drama / 92 min

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(4 Reviews)


Adding a little spice to a waning marriage, Anne and Bob, a wealthy and well-connected American couple, move into a manor house in romantic Paris. While preparing a particularly luxurious dinner for sophisticated international friends, our hostess discovers there are 13 guests. Panic-stricken, Anne insists her loyal maid Maria disguise herself as a mysterious Spanish noble woman to even out the numbers. But a little too much wine and some playful chat lead Maria to accidentally endear herself to a dandy British art broker. Their budding romance will have Anne chasing her maid around Paris and finally plotting to destroy this most unexpected and joyous love affair.

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News & Reviews

Madame Reviews

Wan Jing
7 December 2017
Overall: 5

Dare to watch
10 November 2017
Genuinely Funny
Overall: 4
Happening posh dinner party. Gorgeous French countryside villas and artful costumes. Cinderella style cum class status problematic issues.

John Huang
7 December 2017
Overall: 3

10 November 2017
Overall: 1
Do boring and hard to follow the story

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